Sunday, August 10, 2014

Week 9

Again this was a rather short week. We had a guest speaker come in on Wednesday from For those of you who don't know Indeed is a job listing aggregator and search site. Since I am also in the morning class I did not stay for the presentation the second time around. The presentation was supposed to be over tools and processes used in the real world of developing. In the morning section however we seemed to digress and the presentation had turned into a sort of question/answer session in which the students would ask questions and the presenter would do his best to answer them. I feel that the presenter should have made a powerpoint presentation to help himself and the rest of us all stay on topic. The week started off covering sets and maps as we finished up the last of the containers. The week ended with talking about backinsertor, frontinsertor, and somewhat related istreamiterator and ostreamiterator. The key takeaway was how to write these to conform to the STL provided copy.

I am extremely upset with how this final project went and you'll soon see why. I got a head start on it. I actually finished it last week on Sunday. My greed got the best of me and I ran some of the tests that other class mates had posted and realized that perhaps I needed to test for random-access vertex iterators. After spending some time trying to hunt down a compile time bug, I learned from the professor that we didn't need to go that far. Content, I submitted the code that I had finished a week earlier and happily submitted confident that I would get full points. But somewhere along the line I forgot to add the grader as a collaborator to my repo and I received an email today stating that I will lose 20% because of that. If I had to guess why I didn't add the grader its probably because the grader wasn't listed on the project page early on when I had started the project. Regardless, I have learned my lesson and probably should have made the trivial "Add grader to repo" issue part of the initial 10 issues in the issue tracker on Github. Its always the penalization of easily avoidable mistakes that hurts harder than having points taken off for a poorly implemented solution. Oh well its not a huge deal, I feel pretty good about the class and am expecting an "A" anyways. All is well :)

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